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Meet Computomics at the Plant Genomics Congress & Biostimulants Congress 2023

Meet Computomics at booth #4 or listen to our talks!

Computomics is excited to be giving two talks at 10th Plant Genomics & Gene Editing Congress co-located with the 7th Partnerships in Biocontrol, Biostimulants & Microbiome Congress.

The 10th Plant Genomics & Gene Editing Congress USA will explore novel strategies and developments in plant genomics and gene editing through a series of case studies and an examination of the latest scientific research. Leaders from academia and industry will guide us through the significant breakthroughs in gene-editing technologies such as CRISPR/Cas9, shedding light on their potential applications in improving disease resistance, stress tolerance, and crop yield. Additionally, some talks will cover the evolving landscape of computational approaches in studying plant science, along with updates on agricultural biotechnology regulations for genetically engineered organisms by USDA.

The 7th Partnerships in Biocontrol, Biostimulants & Microbiome Congres will examine developments in biocontrol, biostimulants and microbiome in increasing crop yield, improving soil health & nutrient uptake, and efficient water use. Experts from industry and academia will also discuss pest management strategies and provide regulatory updates in the field.

There are several opportunities to meet Computomics. Listen to the talk of Jörg on exploring genetic variation with pangenomes or hear Sascha talking about optimizing SynComs in Metagenomics. You can also meet us in the exhibition area. Just step by our booth #4!


Talk by Jörg Hagmann: Exploring the Full Spectrum of Genetic Variation with Pangenomes to Assist Gene Editing Target Detection

Track: Plant Genomics & Gene Editing Track 2
Date: Tuesday 24 October 2023
Time: 12:15PM - 12:30PM

The huge genetic diversity between plants of the same species prompts the need for the generation of whole genome assemblies. The alignments of these assemblies are commonly summarized in pangenome graphs. Comparing multiple genome sequences displays the full spectrum of genetic variation which elucidates an extended set of markers to better explain traits. This approach is in sharp contrast to focusing on single nucleotide exchanges relative to a reference genome which fails to provide such an overview.  To address this need we have developed Pantograph, an interactive browser of pangenome graphs capable of visualizing small- and large-scale genetic variation in multiple zoom levels in a single framework. Arbitrary meta data like phenotypic values or gene expression data can be used to sort the sequences to help link larger scale genetic variation to phenotypic traits and to inspect QTL regions.
With integrating public pangenome and transcriptomic data, Pantograph offers a comprehensive resource to determine gene editing targets in a species of interest.

For more information about our Pangenome solutions you can also directly contact Jörg.

Jörg Hagmann,
Product Manager Pantograph


Talk by Sascha Patz: Optimizing SynComs using novel Annotation Systems in Metagenomics

Track: Microbiome
Date: Wednesday 25 October 2023
Time: 11:55AM - 12:25PM

Computomics is analyzing soil and plant microbiomes to enhance the understanding of the microbial-driven adaption to biotic and abiotic stresses. We support the identification of plant-beneficial microbial strains and their plant growth-promoting traits (PGPTs), as well as pathogens, using new functional ontologies, such as the recently released PGPT ontology, the virulence factor database (VFDB) or contractile phage-like particles. Incorporating such annotation systems in our metagenomics products MORPHEUS and MEGAN6, enables us to develop a new approach that optimizes SynComs in their taxonomic but also functional composition. By increasing additive effects and decreasing antagonistic capabilities among the strains of such synthetic communities, we are aiming at predicting best SynCom compositions that assures highest plant-promoting and / or biocontrol efficacy after inoculation. Are you interested in partnering with us? We are seeking for new collaborations for next-level metagenomic analyses and co-development.

For more information about our Metagenomics solutions you can also directly contact Sascha.

Sascha Patz,
Product Manager Metagenomics


All details of the conference and registration can be found here.

Have a look at the agenda here.


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