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Assess the Competitiveness of Your Breeding Program.

Fast Insights Into Your Breeding Program

The introduction of genomics provided profound genetic insights, revolutionizing the breeding process. In today's big data era, a multitude of data types become crucial for informed breeding decisions and understanding breeding performance.

Aligning breeding pipeline performance with the commercial strategy is the goal of every breeding program. To achieve that goal, it’s essential to gain a deep understanding of your breeding pipeline.


Key questions you may have:

  • How competitive is my current breeding program?
  • What can I expect in the next years?
  • How can I improve efficiency?
  • What are our opportunities to grow market share?
  • Where do we have the best product-market fit?


Choose From Three Distinct Analyses

BreedScope provides three distinct analyses to answer these questions, offering valuable insights for decision-making.
Choose according to your needs and the data available:

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Environmental Analysis

Environmental clustering of field trials to understand environmental diversity in the field testing network. This enables a deeper understanding of product performance and the environmental influence on traits in specific environments.

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Traits Analysis

Comparison of experimental and commercial varieties including competitors' across various traits. The aim is to gain a nuanced understanding of each trait's performance, guiding strategic decisions aligning with your product positioning strategy.



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Genomics Analysis

Gain a deep understanding of your germplasm diversity and structure to identify opportunities to create new products and shorten the time to market.

Get Visual Results


BreedScope provides fast, visual, easy-to-interpret results. This is an example result for Traits Analysis - the traits profile of proprietary and competitor materials are compared in the breeding pipeline. The spiderweb visualization lets you immediately locate the strengths and weaknesses for each trait in the pipeline, enabling you to identify opportunities for differentiating products in the market.

Get similar, visual and easy-to-interpret results for Environmental Analysis and Genomics Analysis to gain a deep understanding of your breeding pipeline and to identify the next steps in these areas.

BreedScope Trait Analysis Example

Make Informed Decisions Faster

BreedScope equips you with a comprehensive understanding of your breeding pipeline, empowering you to make well-informed decisions faster. Our modular and scalable solutions are easily tailored to the specifics, size and complexity of your breeding program. Valuable insights in the area of environment, traits, or genomics (or any combination of these) are only a quick analysis away.

Providing you with rapid results and actionable insights, BreedScope is the perfect way to optimize your breeding program.


  • Rapid: Get results quickly for informed decision-making
  • Modular: Choose the analysis that fits your data and needs
  • Scalable: Adapts to size and complexity of your program
  • Expert-driven: Leverage the combined power of Breeding and AI
  • Actionable insights: Clear recommendations for optimization



Receive answers to your most pressing questions quickly. Our AI and Breeding experts will be glad to support you with the insights you are looking for!

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